My Life..
look at the pictures below u will understand !

i have nvr seen such a big bet b4 !
haha.. if kena ade i rich lor.. but din kena..
of coz i din pay everything la.. there's few ppl sharing

my life is like this picture !
i m the special 1 among everyone like the one in the middle !
today my frenz and i went to a desert house some where in SS2
the name like GAM YU SUK SUK !
haha.. listen oso geli !

this is the logo and it's located in the opposite of SS2 Wai Sik Gai

ok.. let me introduce.. this is margaret !
from this picture u can see how hungry she is

and this is charles.. hungry till blur ade =.=

this is FA SANG WU TONG YUN for Charles !

this is SAGO KIWI for ME

and this is CAREMEL PUDDING for Margaret
haha.. this picture shows they habbis makan and satisfied with it !
we actually went to MURNI before we go to this TONG SUI KOR KOR
we taken a lot of food and kinda.. not full..
only we visit this TONG SUI KOR KOR !
all thanks to Margaret desicion ! ^^
aligato Margaret !