To all my readers ! I know u guys sure know some superhero in your whole life ! what superhero u like the most ? Superman ? Batman ? Spiderman ? The Hulk ? or Ironman ? haha.. let me tell u ~ the superhero I like the most is MusicMan!! and who is him ? of coz LeeHom la !! if not who else ! =D
" can't wait till 2nd of May " this is my personal msg that i wrote for quite some time ago and today is 2nd of May ! haha.. actually there's nothing special happen today.. juz a little concert I hv to attend =P the concert name MUSIC MAN's CONCERT !
here we go !!
this is before the opening
look at it.. in front of the stage.. let's count how many ppl there.. 1,2,3,4,5............1001,1002,1003........... okay done.. finish counting ?? haha.. don waste time lar.. let's continue to the next picture =P
see or not ! FULL HOUSE ah !! ok ok.. for those empty seat is not for sale =D it's reserve for me.. but i would like to enjoy the crowd there x)
look at it.. so early ade so many ppl waiting there if this is my concert.. by this time ade full house xD ahem ahem.. what I tryin to say is the fans r late =x errr.. juz jokin only.. plz don come and find me I am innocent ><
okay okay.. stop the crap
I din take any picture of the opening ceremony and the pictures below is from the starting of the concert to the end of the concert
you know la.. if keep taking picture I can't enjoy myself during the concert and of coz waste of money to the concert if keep taking picture becoz I m not enjoying myself =P
haha !! how is it ?? interesting rite ?? haha.. i know a bit lame la.. juz give face a bit... laugh a bit.. owhh.. btw.. plz don complaint bout the pictures quality ! I know it's a bit cacat.. I ad try my very best to take the best quality picture but with my cacat phone and a super far seat away from the stage this is the best quality i took.. so once again.. give face a bit la.. don complaint too much don spam my chatbox oso =P haha have a nice day ! muakzz !!
this few days.. I was thinking to help someone up let me name that someone as ABC from what I know from ABC ABC is from a very complicated family and that is the most complicated family I ever heard how complicated is it.. I m not going to write it out it's private and confidential okay okay.. I hv a question to ask everyone here the earliest graduate u ever seen is form 3 or form 5 rite ? but this ABC graduate after standard 1 ya.. it's standard 1 ! those who are reading now.. all also around my age rite.. most of u r studying i guess.. STUDYING ! u see how lucky u r now ! stop schooling since standard 1 is a really really unbelievable thing I never seen anyone stop schooling so early maybe people around me.. most of them are from a rich or affordable family at least enough for u to go school I m not goin to talk bout ABC's family BUT I m goin to talk bad bout ABC's dad ! ABC's dad is some IDIOT or BASTARD !! sorry for the vulgar words the reason she stop schooling is to work to support the family from what I know.. all ABC's salary is juz to support the family and especially ABC's dad what a shame as a DAD all the salary for her dad is for gambling and something bad.. ABC's dad is really really irresponsible !! haihz.. maybe u guys don see any problem there all becoz I don wan to tell everything after ABC told me bout his/her family i really respect ABC ! his/her toughness made me respect him/her a lot !
everyone of u !! please please please appreciate what u have now ! be grateful ! be thankful ! be tough ! clear on what u did or wat u r doin or wat u r goin to do ALL THE BEST ABC !