This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and HIGH RATED movie this year !
ladies and gentlemen..
please pick sometime to watch this !!
ladies and gentlemen..
please pick sometime to watch this !!
such a nice movie.. it's not easy to get the ticket..
but for me..
nothing is impossible =P
look at the ticket below.. it's like damn damn damn far from the screen
not very far lar.. but at least not the front row =D
guess how long i Q up to get this ticket ??
it's like less than 5 minutes x)
please don ask me how.. this is only for secret agent like me xP
i got my way lar.. haha
don be jealous ^^

this is the FALLEN.. a damn yong sui and old robot
he is a DESTROYER !

the Fallen is the so call strongest from MEGATRON
Megatron is from a dark side.. whenever there's a dark side
there's alwiz hero like me come out
i mean the good side =D
and this is the good side boss ( Autobots )

can't wait till 2011 for the TRANSFORMERS 3
these days not in the mood to write blog..
all due to some personal stuff =.=
haihz.. some one please come and comfort me =(
k lar..
good day everyone