how to b a gud senior?? let's c...
opss... wrong picture =P
thiz not a gud senior... but gud example for the student =D
haha... to every girls...
thiz gud lukin boy still single... wan his number??
ask me =D
yk... i noe if u r readin thiz... there will b tears in ur eyes...
k la k la... go take tissue la... u will nit it...

thiz not a gud senior... but gud example for the student =D
haha... to every girls...
thiz gud lukin boy still single... wan his number??
ask me =D
yk... i noe if u r readin thiz... there will b tears in ur eyes...
k la k la... go take tissue la... u will nit it...

he's jia wei... n he is... ahem ahem... a gud boy
he was skippin class tat time n i m tryin all my best to make him go back to class =D
so i m a gud boy oso
*after some time*

while chatting wif him... the bell rings...
so he like dun care me... go down canteen for recess =D
*the bell rang*
when i was about to leave... i saw him again... sitting down near the staircase
he told me someone r bullying him x(
so i said
" dun worry... tell teacher who bully u"
haha... thiz all i can say =D

i successfully persuade thiz little boy to go back to class...
thiz not the 1st time i ask him to go back to class...
startin gettin bored to persuade him...
*like tat'z my job*
so... it's not easy to be a gud senior like me =D
JIA WEI AH , JIA WEI... sang sing a bit laa...
haihz... damn no mood... tmr got test again =(
k la... all readers... gud nite...
eleleh.. good boy..
haha... i noe i noe... thankx thankx =D
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